Overseas Baseball Podcast

A decade of baseball overseas part 3 – International player, MLB Scout, Entrepreneur



After finishing up the 2010 season with Almere and Hamburg and achieving his long term goal of pitching the Dutch Head Class, Boomer was undecided what to do about his baseball career and was leaning towards focusing on finishing law school and getting a job. After back-to-back years with no offseason and pitching 7-9 innings every start, his arm definitely needed a rest. However during the 2010 summer while on break from pitching in Holland, Boomer visited a girl living in Budapest (Hungary) whom he met while in Italy. While visiting her, he looked up baseball in Budapest online and found a local club of which he contacted by email with the help of his friend as a translator. They invited him out to practice and Boomer soon found himself practicing with grown men at a level he had never seen before, which was an interesting experience in itself and an eye opener. The Hungarians were immediately amazed as they had never seen anything close to a mid to upper 80's fastball and said to Boomer that they "would b