Overseas Baseball Podcast

Using Baseball As Your Ticket To Travel The World



Every year more and more aspiring professional baseball players decide to take their career abroad. Those that are fortunate enough to find a job overseas have not only extended their career, but have enjoyed experiencing a part of the world that they may otherwise not have seen. The majority of these players spend a season, possibly two, overseas and then hang them up. A few, however, take full advantage of this opportunity and ride the overseas baseball wave as far as possible. A few names come to mind when I think of international baseballers who have used baseball as their ticket to see the world. However one name stands out the most in terms of baseball and travel. Owen Reid first signed a professional contract with a baseball club overseas in 2009 and never looked back. His journey has taken him on somewhat of a world tour which includes side trips to nearby countries while abroad for baseball. In November, 2014 I wrote this blog post that summarizes his international baseball experience from 2009-20