Overseas Baseball Podcast

Coaching at the Adriatic sea with Ron Frazier



At 49 years old, married and with teenage children, retired high school and college coach Ron Frazier decided to throw his hat in the coaching ring again but this time his focus was overseas. With the support of his family, Ron created a profile on the International Baseball Community website and began sending out emails to clubs all across Europe. Within a weeks he has a number of responses and soon found himself in the luxurious position of having multiple options. When considering level of baseball, location, and compensation, Ron decided to settle on the Nada Split of Croatia, right on the Adriatic sea. Split plays in the Interleague, which is a league formed with the top clubs in Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. This international aspect is one other reason Ron decided to turn down an offer from a top Czech club for more money. With Split, Ron has the opportunity to see more of Europe and develop baseball in a country that has more room for growth.