Gospel Saving Church

295 - Paul Proved Christ To Them From The Scriptures



Overview - Paul Proved Christ To Them From The Scriptures. Acts 17:1-9. Today we looked at a few amazing ideas that God uncovered for us in our text. 1) Paul reasoned with them from the scriptures that Jesus was the Christ and of the Gospel. 2) The prophesies that Paul gave them to reason with them of Jesus and the Gospel. 3) The ways in which Paul’s listeners responded to what he told them. 1) Reasoning from the scriptures simply means that Paul gave them strong argument for the very real truth that Jesus was indeed the Christ/Messiah of God that was foretold of from thousands of years before Jesus was born in the flesh, and of the gospel; His life, death, and resurrection. Well, strong arguments need strong evidence, otherwise known as proof, to prove the arguments Paul put forth for them of Jesus being the Christ and of the Gospel. And well, giving strong evidence/proof for an argument of the Bible and Jesus Christ is also called evidential apologetics. Yes, that’s right. P