Gospel Saving Church

075 - The Sad End Of A Great Soldier (John the Baptist)



Overview: (Matthew 14:1-12) In our message today we look at the death of John the Baptist, the great soldier of God/Christ, and the details around that account. John's imprisonment and death are a fulfillment of what Jesus Christ told His disciples in Matthew chapter 10:16 "I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves" (and we know that wolves eat sheep). We also take a look at the false ideology in America today that states that we can have "our best life now". This idea is completely unsupported in the Holy Scripture, as even Jesus Christ says in John 16:33 – "in this world you will have trouble". Jesus Christ never promised anyone that would follow Him a perfect/no problem life. He was persecuted, and He said that we would face the same, if we decided to follow Him. But He is worth whatever persecution we might have to suffer, as He paid the highest price He could for our sins by sacrificing Himself on the cross to offer mankind eternal life and peace with God Almighty. God Bless you! Pastor Ed Visi