Bethel Church (princeton, Mn)

A Place of Multiplication



We're continuing our New Year's message series called "A Decade to Make a Difference." This series focuses on the values and practices that God calls us to ... and I'm highlighting four of these for Bethel in the coming years. This message is about "Being a Place of Multiplication." We tend to think about growth in terms of addition ... adding a person here or there as a new attendee at the church. But instead of thinking in terms of numerical growth, it may be more helpful to focus on the spread of the Gospel message about Christ, and assistance in helping people grow spiritually. In other words, think of it as knowledge and help that gets passed on from person to person. When this happens -- when we invest our time and energy helping other people grow, and equipping them to help others grow, they pass that on to others, who can pass it on to others. Like cells that divide, and keep on dividing, the growth happens by multiplication, not simply addition. We'll talk more about this on Sunday.