Geometric Octopus Podcast

Episode 8: LGBT Is Neither A Lifestyle Nor A Choice



Trigger Warnings:OstracizationHomophobiaTransphobiaViolence against people of the LGBT community.~Please be a responsible listener.~This is the sixth part of the gender and sexuality (mini-)series. Here we’re using a recording style a bit outside our norm. Listen for what is pertinent to us; it might be pertinent to you. Actually, it’s pertinent to everybody. I’m referring to systemic discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people, specifically. Even more specifically, injustice in regards to dorm rooms and employment. Don’t shy away if you’re getting a foreboding chill at the darkness of these topics; we bravely treat them, armed with smiles and sometimes anger, because that’s useful for cutting through bullsh*t.CreditsSpecial Guest (G&S Specialist) : Klaus McHendryIntro/Outro : Kyle MitchellSound Editing : Cosmo CavanaughScript : Cosmo Cavanaugh (Ah, but Kyle’s voice is warm, right?)Hosted by, all the above, and : Anne Beaudoin and Tracy Medcalf “Crystal Clouds” by Phantom SagePhantom Sage SoundCloud: https://soun