Horse Wise

What a sabbatical taught me about pressure and release



Episode 66: I took a recent sabbatical to study the concept of pressure and release. What I learned was that there is a huge difference between moving away from pressure versus going toward softness. Both approaches might seem like they get to the same goal. But they each have very different ways of HOW you reach the goal — whether you only move away from pressure (a negative) or whether you actively seek something positive (softness). This is true for both people and horses. How you get to the goal is just as important (maybe even more important) than reaching the goal itself. At Horse Wise, I teach people tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and their horses to progress together as a team. It’s a fun process that shows you how build a good partnership with your horse (in a practical, straightforward way). If you’d like more information on mindset practices, audio coaching or general Horse Wise Services, please visit our website for more information: And