Saint + Elizabeth + Ann + Seton + Parish

Solemnity of Christ the King: Deacon Dwayer



(November 21, 2021) Drawing upon today’s Gospel message, Deacon William Dwayer, in serving at the parish from Mount St. Mary's Seminary, shared his thoughts about the end of the world.We all have different preconceptions when we think about the Second Coming of Christ, he said. However, if  look not only at what is "ending" but also at  what is "beginning,"  we should not have anything to fear; God the Son came into this world to restore the prime covenant between fallen humanity and God the Father. "Sin and death will pass away," Deacon Dwayer said, "and we shall see God as He is, in all of His glory." We need to be prepared for His judgment, he said, whether "Jesus comes to us, or we go to Him."