Cornerstone Church Kingston Podcast

Lockdown Anxiety



Pete preaches from Philippians 4:1-7 in our latest in the series 'Letters form Lockdown'. In this passage Paul spurs on his readers by urging us to take our worries and anxieties to God. God's people are to be marked by peace and joy in him and his salvation. Lockdown Anxiety Cases of anxiety have increased dramatically during the Coronavirus pandemic. And many people who had never experienced anxiety before, now find themselves worrying about many areas of life. Last week’s sermon, in Philippians 3, looked at the topic of Lockdown Lethargy using athletic terms. We were encouraged to get off the sofa and to keep pressing on in our Christian lives, straining towards the finishing line. Here, in Chapter 4 of Philippians, Paul changes the imagery from that of an athlete, to that of a soldier, using a number of military references. First of all, he reminds us that we are in the Lord’s army, and we should...