Cornerstone Church Kingston Podcast

4 Steps to Deal with Sin



Ben continues our series 'Letters from Lockdown', preaching from Philippians 3:17-4:7. In this passage Paul gives the church in Philippi practical ways to put the gospel into action in their relationships with each other. In looking at this passage I am reminded of a sermon by Pete Woodcock, in which he suddenly announced that there was one individual present, who was not welcome in the service. This caused a sensation of shock amongst the congregation, and I remember, first of all, wondering who that person could possibly be. And then I started to realise that Pete might actually be referring to me. I suddenly felt embarrassed and fearful that my inner sin was about to be exposed to the whole congregation. I am sure there were many of us at that moment, who had the same fear. As it turned out, the ‘unwelcome individual’ that Pete was referring to, was the sin of ‘Pride’ which was the subject of Pete’s sermon that morning. I...