All In With Coach Bill Hart

Ep 052- Rich Diviney- Author of "The Attributes- 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance"



Rich Diviney is the author of "The Attributes- 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance." As a US Navy SEAL, he observed that success was determined by a combination of skills plus attributes. Skills could be taught. Attributes are more hard-wired, but can be developed. In business hiring, there is much focus on skills assessment, but recognizing attributes can be a better predictor of success. Coach Bill and Rich go deep on some of the 25 attributes, but you will want to learn all of them after you hear this episode! The website is You can take an online assessment, buy the book, and learn how to incorporate these ideas in your company culture, or any area of life.   Bill Hart is a coach in the mortgage industry, and  the author of the book "White Collar Warrior: Lessons for Sales Professionals from America's Military Elite". Podcast produced by Studio C Creative Sound in San Diego CA