On Your Mind Neuroscience Podcast

OYM96: Gold-engram Retriever



We are super stoked to announce that the OYM team will be at the Canadian Neuroscience meeting in Toronto this year, hosting an exciting new satellite symposium on science communication!  Come talk about the importance of communication in neuroscience with special guest speakers! Other than shamelessly self-promoting, the hosts have got a whole lot on their minds this week.  They’re both on writing duty this week and have been thinking about the way that their science is portrayed and how it fits into the big picture.  Kat’s been reading up a lot (like, a lot a lot) on the misuse of statistics in the wake of the American Statistical Association’s statement on p values.  Plus, she’s back on a podcast kick and is a new fan of the Bold Signals Podcast.  Meanwhile, Liam’s been spending some free time on Twitter and catches us up on the hashtag #BiologySpaceFacts before we move onto this week’s paper. The media attention drew our attention to this study that was published as a letter in Nature. In it, researchers