On Your Mind Neuroscience Podcast

OYM71: SAD for SORLosers



This week on the On Your Mind neuroscience podcast: Another week has gone by, and Kat and Liam are back to catch up over some science.  Liam’s got the proof of his review back from the journal and is reveling in seeing his (many) months of work in a formatted pdf.  Meanwhile, Kat’s been plugging away at processing her samples and is unreasonably enraged by a minor setback.  When she went to put her samples in an overnight incubation, she discovered that the oven was already in use, and she suddenly identified with an article that she read weeks ago, “How to P*ss off a Scientist”.  Liam’s had his own burst of frustration this week when he read the title of a press release that claimed that the differences between the autistic brain and the healthy brain have been identified “for the first time”. Venting aside, he’s concerned about the implications of misleading titles and has read an article on “scienceyness” which argues that the effects are detrimental.  Scienceyness is a take on “truthiness” that describes