Joann Corley's | The Human Sphere Podchats

Let's Restore Humanity To Business - Are You In?



"A potent force lies deep within every actor in business...a force so strong it can fuel a vision, make or break a dream. It’s a power so remarkable it conjures inventions that have changed the course of civilization as we know it. This force is the human force - the human quotient in business. It's time to shake off the burdensome, blinding corporatism that is robing us of the full exhilarating expression of this extraordinary force (yes, it can be that way sometimes!). This force translated into work renders meaningful contributions to...creates value for those around us, no matter the endeavor. Whether concocting the next big tech thing or making bread that feeds the world, all work has value and should be honored and appreciated. We come to work bringing that force, the most precious thing we have - manifested as our unique "human resourse". That resource -- our heart, mind, spirit. body and all that entails is ultimately who we are - the essence of our being..." Link to complete text