Odi Live Events Podcast

The UK's support to the African Development Bank Group



The UK contributes around £181 million a year to the three organisations that make up the African Development Bank Group, representing around 1.3% of the UK’s development budget. A recent review by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) found that the institution’s reach and deep expertise in Africa meant that contributing to the Bank could be a more effective way for the UK to achieve development impact and economies of scale. But the review also highlighted concerns about the UK government having 'crossed a line' by unilaterally imposing performance measures on the Bank in 2017. ICAI also expressed concern about the Bank’s critical lack of resources in key areas such as environmental and social safeguards and highlighted the need for greater engagement with civil society. The review also noted that the UK should do more to build the Bank’s capacity to manage trust funds if it is going to continue to invest in them. This event, co-hosted by ODI and ICAI, explores how the UK can strengthen its st