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Lawyer 2 Lawyer : Cyberwarfare, U.S./Russia Relations, and Ukraine



In a Daily Beast article published on April 13, 2021, Julia Davis writes that, “the head of the Kremlin-funded RT and Sputnik news agencies believes Russia will invade Ukraine, sparking a conflict with the U.S. that will force entire cities into blackouts.” Also, according to a White House produced readout of a recent call between Presidents Biden and Putin, the leaders discussed a potential upcoming summit as well as Russia's military buildup and the ongoing tensions centering around Ukraine. Tensions between the United States and Russia are nothing new, but have recently intensified as a result of findings of Russian interference in US elections, the high profile SolarWinds cyberattack, and the Biden administrations implementation of a new round of sanctions. With no indications of relief on the horizon, what should we expect in the future? Will a cyber attack against the U.S be next? Should we be on high alert? Are we already? Or could we see a resolution of some sort between the two leaders? On Lawyer 2 L