Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Prescription For a Sucessful Life



Today I want to give you the prescription for success. I'm not going to prescribe Jesus, since you already got Him. I'm going to instead prescribe a template that He created for us to imitate His routine. You see, if we do stuff the way He did, we will get His kind of results in our lives. We can try our template for living, or His. His works. When you visit a doctor with a health issue, he may prescribe something. He may take your blood pressure, “Oops, this is a bit high, no more milkshakes or fries, doctor’s orders. I'm writing you a prescription, take this pill three times a day, always after you have eaten something… doctor’s orders.” And so we do the doctor’s orders. Authority trusted empowers our will; our choices for self- control are strengthened in our sense of duty. Doctor’s orders. Jesus has a prescription for your life, and He doesn't do it because He wants to annoy you or make your life harder. His prescription is a st