Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

Sharing The Mess and The Message



Lian Angelino is a career coach for female professionals in their 20s and 30s who feel unfulfilled in their careers. During our time together we talked about sharing the mess and the message. Lian combines her background in Work Psychology, Mental Health Sciences and Leadership Development to help women get clear about what makes them tick and to map out how they can create a life and career based on that. Besides online career coaching, Lian also offers online consults, for professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders/managers, on how to combat Impostor Syndrome in the workplace or their business. In this episode, you'll learn about sharing the mess and the message and... The quote 'carry the message-not the mess' and it's roots in AA How the opposite holds truth as well Mental health: is it still a taboo? The hero journey and how it's overrated and much more… Lian’s Resources   Lian's Website Connect with Lian on: LinkedIn Facebook   Sarah's Resources Watch this episode on Yout