Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

The New "Selling Like We're Human" Book



To get your copy of the new Selling Like You're Human book go to HERE. You can also first download a free chapter to see if it resonates. *** Today we're going to talk about my new book 'Selling Like We're Human'. I think of it as the little sister of 'Marketing Like We're Human'. They go hand in hand. Honestly, this was a very different book to write for me. I wrote it because I realized it's what my audience wants. I thought they wanted marketing. But in fact, they wanted to sell. What they needed to get to selling was more humane marketing. So once I accepted and gave myself permission to write a very different kind of selling book, that's when I started to love the idea. But I didn't want to write it alone either so I asked in my Humane Marketing Circle who'd be interested in getting together in a Gentle Sales lab to talk about the content of this book. And luckily a group of lovely ladies showed up. Together we defined what needed to be covered, and then I sat down and wrote it. In today's episode,