Everything Endurance

E76. The Long Journey to the 'Double Lon Las' with Tom Garrod



On 14th October, Tom Garrod started the 253mile Lon Las Cymru Ultramarathon, a grueling race from the north to the south of Wales.  When he reached the finish line, he turned around and raced back to the start alone - all to raise money for Kings College Hospital in memory of Mark Thornberry, a well-known fellow ultra-runner who sadly passed from liver cancer last year. 17 years earlier, Tom was diagnosed with stage IV testicular cancer and given a 5% chance of survival.  In this episode, we hear all about his story of defying those odds and the journey afterward that led him into his amazing achievements as an ultra-athlete and his efforts to raise awareness of testicular cancer. Learn more at https://bustinyourballs.org/ Donate to his Double Lon Las fundraiser here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/doublelonlascymru4thorners Please Note - COLOURFUL LANGUAGE WARNING - there are a few expletives in this interview.