Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

112: Eating During the Holidays with Zero Guilt or Shame | Holiday Help Series (Part1)



You want to lose weight during the holidays but how is it even possible when it doesn’t seem like the right time to start any health plans? There’s food at every turn and you’re stressed out because you haven’t developed those discipline muscles. Guess what? After this episode, you will have a new perspective on eating during the holidays. You will finally know that food is NOT the enemy. You will have an understanding of why you always feel so defeated at the dinner table and even better how you CAN go to a party with lots of food and leave without feeling guilty or shame-filled. Listen all the way through because I’ll be giving you action steps that I haven’t shared before. This is a 5-part series for the season I’m calling the “Holiday Help Series”. Be sure to take notes and practice what you learn in this episode. When you do it will show you that eating without the feeling of shame or guilt is possible! Body Freedom Through Christ, Jaclyn ************* Obsessing about your weight and unhappy being in you