Ashes Of The Imperium | A New 40k Podcast

Episode 73 - War Zone Octarius III - Crusade Mission Pack Containment and Running Your Own Campaign Night



Welcome to the Ashes of the Imperium! In this episode Dan and Steve bring you their review of the Containment Mission Pack and the campaign rules featured in Book 1 of the War Zone Octarius campaign series! The team talk about the brand new Planetstrike rules and how can bring your epic battles to life with thematic new rules and missions. Steve also then talks about a dedicated Crusade night he ran out his local gaming club.  Have you played any Planetstrike games yet? Or started a Crusade campaign at your own club? Tell us about how your games went! Let us know on our social media channels, we'd love to hear from you! Check out Steve's custom Crusade night rulespack here: CONVOY 416. Element Games Affiliate Link To support the show, please consider shopping at Element Games via the AOTI40k Affiliate Link. We receive a small commission based on your purchases, which doesn't cost you an extra penny! Podcast Admin Please feel free to drop us a line via email ashesoftheimperium@gmail.comand let us know wha