The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

A non-episode episode!



Hi Everyone! This is Jill.  I recorded this to say hi and let you know that I was not able to record a real episode this week.  My daughter's 5th birthday is this weekend, we have a big Frozen 2 party coming up and my in-laws arrive in just a couple of hours! On top of the birthday, my in-laws will be renewing their vows in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary!  And, guess who's officiating?! ME! So, no time for a real episode this week but I will be posting one early next week.  Promise! For now, please send Happy Birthday vibes to my sweet daughter and Happy Anniversary/Vow Renewal vibes to my in-laws. Also, if you know anything about how to officiate a vow renewal, please contact me at! I need help! Thanks!