2 Player Co-op Podcast

Chrono Cross Remake Rumors & Kojima Goes Hollywood - Episode 260



Chrono Trigger is considered by many to be one of, if not THE, greatest JRPG ever made but its PlayStation follow-up Chrono Cross doesn't seem to be held in the same regard. Perhaps this could be why a remake of the game is headed our way, after being mentioned in the infamous Nvidia leak from a few months ago. Sean loved Trigger, but not Cross, so he has thoughts on what this remake could end up improving on the game. Kojima Productions announced that they are opening an LA based studio to help get them into the world of TV and movies, but hopefully this won't take our lord and savior Hideo Kojima away from gaming any time soon. Also, it may not be a good idea to get your hopes up for more Half-Life anytime soon, as a recent report suggests that Valve is solely focused on the Steam Deck for the time being. Other topics include My Friend Peppa Pig, Kevin's thoughts on GTA Vice City, Sean nearing the Platinum for the Castlevania Advance Collection, and much more!   Start - 00:00 Housekeeping - 00:10 Tom H