2 Player Co-op Podcast

FPS News Overload - Episode 249



First person shooters, both old and new, dominated the news of this past week. Xbox announced that Halo Infinite would be shipping without the Forge, or campaign co-op, this holiday season. While this sounds like a bad thing, hopefully this means that Infinite will actually hit their release window in time for the 20th anniversary of Combat Evolved. A remastered edition of Quake leaked right before QuakeCon started, and was then confirmed to be releasing that same day on basically everything. Call of Duty Vanguard also had it's official reveal this past week, and the guys are about as excited as you would assume they would be for it... Other topics include Sean clearing Hades multiple times, Rogue Explorer gets reviewed, and Kevin went back to Madden for the first time in three years. Start - 00:00 Housekeeping - 00:10 Episode 250 this Friday!!! - 1:05 We Went Back to Rasslin - 2:45 Sean Cleared Hades - 11:45 Rogue Explorer Review - 18:35 Kevin Loves Madden 22 - 29:55 Halo Infinite Shipping Without Forge and