Millennial Gaming Speak

Episode 5: Nintendo News and Kojima Confusion



Intro/Welcome to MGS News - Update: Battlefront gameplay confirmed to be shown next month at Star Wars celebration - - Kojima craziness - Name removed from many marketing ads for MGS5.  - Announced that he will be leaving the studio after MGS5 is shipped.  - Power struggle was the cause of Hideo’s departure.  - What will he do after MGS5? - Konami says they already plan on making more Metal gear games and have even begun hiring for the next MGS game. What will life without Kojima be like? - Is there something darker happening behind the scenes? - Nintendo Reveals new console info - Codenamed the ‘NX’ - What will the console be like? - When will it ship? - When will we first see it revealed? - Nintendo FINALLY announces that they will be working to bring games to mobile devices - What kind of games will we see? - How will it affect the 3DS market? Play and Report - Discuss Super Metroid  - Decide wha