Doing The Work With Jay And Becca

Episode 53: Our One Year Anniversary and the Law of Attraction



Whoot! Whoot! We are celebrating one year of Doing the Work! I honestly can't believe it has been a year. It feels like a dream. It is simply an honor and a privilege to get to do this each week and share in each of your journeys. Jay and I are so grateful for each of our listeners and are so excited to get some BIG things happening in year 2. This week is HUGE and you don't want to miss it. Jay has had some of his own "ah ha" moments around the Law of Attraction and he shares them with us. This is an eye opener for sure. When Jay called me to share his initial thoughts I literally had to pull my car over because I was like YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! This is IT!!  This week we invite you to join us on the Doing the Work Facebook page to let us know what you think about this new way of getting in alignment and the process of "chemicalisation".   If you are currently struggling to achieve a goal, manifest your dreams, or just get over the hump in an area of transformation--we are here to help! Contact us through the c