Doing The Work With Jay And Becca

Episode 45-Creating Your Perfect Week



Today's we are talking about another valuable tool in transforming your life and the Law of Attraction--creating your "perfect" week. Now we all know that we strive for progress NOT perfection but this is a little different. This is that dreamy perfect. The "if I could set up my life exactly the way I want it to look...this is what my week would consist of."  And the beautiful thing about this tool is that it is completely different for every person. We all have things that are important to us, that fill our soul. By developing your perfect week you are looking for opportunities to build in self care (or "me time" or "white space"). Once you have created the "perfect" picture you can put in baby steps to get yourself there. It is like a road have to know where you are going in order to figure out the directions! As always, we invite you to join us in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca and share your perfect week with us. What are you putting yourself on the hook for? What