Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

10 Coaching Secrets for a Successful Business: Listen to Transform with Dr. Shannon Irvine



We are continuing our series in the 10 Coaching Secrets for a Wildly Successful Business. Secret #1 we talked about finding your voice and in secret #2 we talked about that unique and special 1% that you have. Are you ready to dig into secret #3? Me, too! Secret #3: Listen to transform.  Did you know that roughly 85% of what we have learned is through listening? So, when we take this concept of listening to transform, we can really begin to understand our clients and how to better help them toward success. I often see well-meaning coaches doing one of two things when coaching clients. First, they have a natural inclination to tell them what works for them and what they have done to overcome obstacles. Second, they try to shift a person’s perspective with linguistic terms.  In both scenarios the client walks away feeling great, but ends up worse than before because their brain is not wired like yours and what works for you won’t always work for them. This then causes them to feel down and blame themselves when