Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

180: Exploring Academic Soft Tissue and Sarcoma Pathology



Dr. Mantilla is an academic doctor who originally wanted to be a psychiatrist but eventually ended up in pathology. We discuss patient interactions and more! Links:https://medicalschoolhq.net/ss-180-exploring-academic-soft-tissue-and-sarcoma-pathology/ (Full Episode Blog Post) https://medicalschoolhq.net/meded-media/ (Meded Media) http://www.medschoolapplicationbook.com/ (medschoolapplicationbook.com)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgmGtDIH-2o (Application Renovation) https://www.ascp.org/content (ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathology))