Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

113: The Combined Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine Residency



Session 113 Dr. Aaron Leetch one of the program directors at the University of Arizona for a combined residency in pediatrics and emergency medicine. It's actually a very rare residency program with only four programs in the country that offer this. Find out more about this, how it's different and much more! Dr. Leetch is the host of the Arizona EMCast. Also, check out all our other podcasts on Meded Media. Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points. [01:27] Interest in Combined Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine Aaron has always been certain he was going to be a pediatrician as he loves working with kids. He also liked the compassion of it. It was when he started working at one of the local ERs as a scribe that he felt torn between pediatrics and emergency medicine. He loved the acuity and multitasking aspects of emergency medicine. In fact, he likens it to waiting tables which he used to do. Then he met the program director at the Universi