Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

108: Academic Pediatric Gastroenterology, According to an MD



Session 108 Pediatric GI was a natural fit for Dr. Jason Shapiro, who was interested in diverse pathologies, performing procedures, and developing relationships with patients. Also, please check out all our podcasts on Meded Media for more resources to help you along your premed and medical school journey! [01:05] Interest in Pediatric Gastroenterology Jason is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Brown. He initially got interested in GI during the first month of his intern year. He likes the diversity of the field. It has a lot of procedures involved as well as research, immunology, microbiome, medication, and optimizing medication effects. [03:00] Traits That Lead to Being a Great PGI Physician Most of Jason's clinical time is dealing with kids with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, which are impactful conditions. You want to have as minimal effect on the child's daily life as possible. So you need to be empathetic, compassionate, and a hard worker. [04:00] Types of Patients Most kids with IBD (infla