Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

106: The Collegial and Curious World of Pediatric Rheumatology



Session 106 Pediatric rheumatology is for doctors who are good at teamwork, problem-solving and becoming experts in nebulous problems. Dr. Jay Mehta joins me to explain. Jay is actually the fellowship director at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for pediatric rheumatology and out of training now for 10 years. Jay actually didn't know about this specialty until he rotated during residency. This is exactly the goal of this podcast is to expose you to specialties out there that you may or may not know about. So listen every week and take some notes. Figure out what you want to be Meanwhile, check out all our resources on Meded Media as you go along this journey towards becoming a physician. Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points. [02:04] Interest in Pediatric Rheumatology Jay remembers liking every rotation he was on but he just kept coming back to pediatrics. He loves the people he gets to work with both patients and the other r