Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

99: What is Blood Bank and Transfusion Medicine?



Session 99 Today, Dr. Aaron Shmookler joins us who has an interestingly different type of specialty. He is a pathologist trained Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine specialist. A year and a half out of training now, he serves in an academic setting in West Virginia. Thank you for listening to us! Please check out all our other available resources on Meded Media. [01:48] Interest in Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Aaron took a transitional year and started his residency in Neurology. But he realized something was missing – the lab. He went into pathology really enjoying the field. Then he finished his Pathology residency and quickly realized he also missed taking care of patients on the bedside. So he subspecialized in Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking that has the bedside aspect of care. Then he also gets to do the laboratory side where he works behind the scenes. [04:14] Traits that Lead to Being a Good Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine Specialist In this specialty, you have to be detail-