Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

87: What is Sleep Medicine? A Look at Academic Sleep Med



Session 87 Dr. Jairo Barrantes joins Ryan to talk about Academic Sleep Medicine including what he loves about it, what call looks like, and why he chose academia. For more resources, be sure to check out all our other podcasts on the https://medicalschoolhq.net/meded-media/ (MedEd Media Network). [01:24] Interest in Sleep Medicine Jairo's interest in sleep medicine sparked during his pulmonary critical care fellowship, where their director was the head of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. That being said, a pulmonary physician has too little exposure to what sleep medicine really is including the different diseases you come across. Sleep medicine involves 80%-90% of sleep apnea. While the training you get as a pulmonologist is the sleep apnea part and not so much exposure to all other diseases that sleep medicine entails. This opened up different doors such as narcolepsy, parasomnia, and insomnia, which may up the main problems of sleep medicine today– but there are more others apparently, especially