Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

77: What is Preventive Medicine? A Look at Academic Prev Med



Session 77 Dr. Janani Krishnaswami talks about Academic Preventive Medicine including what drew her to it, and what she likes and doesn't like about prev med. Janani is a preventive medicine physician in University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley. To learn more about preventive medicine, check out all the available resources at the American College of Preventive Medicine. Also, be sure to take a listen to all our other podcasts on MedEd Media Network. [01:22] Her Interest in Preventive Medicine Janani says a lot of preventive medicine physicians basically end up stumbling into the specialty. Relatively a nontrad student, she had a background in investment banking and her background was in economics, public health, public policy, and international studies. And she has always been interested in the systems level aspect of medicine. When she started doing her third year clerkship, she saw the same patterns of patients coming into the clinic with conditions that didn't seem to be cured as well as who got the illne