Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

43: Community Based Interventional Cardiology



Session 43 Dr. Venkat Gangadharan is a community based Interventional Cardiologist. We discuss his interests in cardiology and his thoughts about the specialty. He also gives his opinions on the latest changes in our healthcare system regarding reimbursement cuts as well as turf wars between specialties. Also, check out all our other podcasts on the MedEd Media Network, including The http://medicalschoolhq.net/ (Premed Years Podcast), http://medicalschoolhq.net/mcat-podcast/ (The MCAT Podcast), http://www.oldpremeds.org/ (The OldPreMeds Podcast), and http://theshortcoat.com/ (The Short Coat Podcast). [01:08] Interest in Cardiology Knowing he wanted to be a cardiologist right on his second year of medical school, Venkat did what he could to figure out. By the time got into residency, his mind changed and considered things like pulmonary critical care or cardiology. Then he got the chance what the cath lab was like and got to see what they do when they treat heart attacks. And he got sold right then. He's th