Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

37: A Deep Dive into Dermatology Match Data and Surveys



Session 37 This week, we take a deep dive into the match data for dermatology. We cover the Match data from 2016 and 2017 to give you an idea of what you're up against. Dermatology is one of the hardest specialties to match into. Historically, it has been known as the ROAD specialties (Radiology, Orthopedics, Anesthesiology, and Dermatology). "Dermatology is still one of the more competitive residencies to apply to as a medical student." As we dive into this data, it gives you an idea of what you should be thinking about or doing when it comes to starting your journey. Hopefully, this will help you determine how much effort you put into getting the best possible board scores and everything else you need to get into dermatology. Also, check out everything we have at MedEd Media Network including The Premed Years Podcast, http://www.oldpremeds.org/ (OldPreMeds Podcast), and http://medicalschoolhq.net/mcat-podcast/ (The MCAT Podcast). [01:51] Match Summary As always, all of this data come from the NRMP Main