Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

35: Private Practice Pediatric Ophthalmology



Session 35 Dr. Chris Fecarotta is a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. He has been in private practice for five years now. He shares with us his reasons for choosing the specialty and what you should think about if this is a field you’re considering. I would love for you to recommend The Premed Years Podcast to your premed friends along with our other podcasts on the MedEd Media Network. [01:30] Interest in Pediatric Ophthalmology Chris admits he didn't know he wanted to be a pediatric ophthalmologist until late in the game. He figured it out at the beginning of his fourth year. Knowing he always wanted to do kids, he went into medical school thinking he would be a pediatrician of some sort. But he didn't know exactly what. Then he discovered as he went along that he wanted surgery more. He had a friend who had some family members who were in ophthalmology. He talked to them about it and though it was an interesting field. So he decided to put the two together and thought about doing pediatric ophthalmology. He sh