Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

092: Podcasting the Voice of a Nonprofit Arts Organization, Destination Santa Fe Opera



It’s one thing to successfully create a podcast that informs, engages, and inspires. It’s another thing entirely to do so while maintaining the voice of an organization.   Enter Destination Santa Fe Opera, the show that makes it look sound so easy.  As a producer of the show, I’m responsible for creating much of that illusion. However, as a freelancer, I work approximately 1200 miles away from Santa Fe Opera’s sprawling desert campus and three folks who’ve made this project sound so unlike others occupying the same niche. Emily Doyle Moore (director of media and public relations at Santa Fe Opera & executive producer of DSFO), Dune Alford (former media and PR associate at Santa Fe Opera & DSFO producer), and Jane Trembley (former house manager at Santa Fe Opera & current host of DSFO) lend their collective two cents (six cents?) to this conversation about institutional podcasting. CONNECT WITH SANTA FE OPERA Santa Fe Opera LISTEN TO DESTINATION SANTA FE OPERA Destination Santa Fe Opera