Troublesome Terps

32: Our year 2018 in review



2018 was truly another blockbuster year for the Troublesome Terps. Not only was our first - and certainly not last - live event in London a bona-fide hit (thanks to all the supporters and attendees!), as always we covered a wide range of different and super-interesting topics this year. Humor in interpreting and our very best travel tips and tricks provided some levity, discussions on feelings/emotions in interpreting and why interpreting research matters, provided some serious food for thought. Our very first AMA (As Me Anything) was also a great experience thanks to the fantastic questions we received beforehand. Of course, we wouldn't want to forget the professional associations double-episode or our first ever cross-over event with The Vocal Fries. So, thanks again for an incredible year and here's to an equally amazing 2019! As always, if you have any suggestions, feedback or anything else you would like to let us know, leave it in the comments or send us a tweet, Facebook message or email.