Comics Dash

#85: It's About a Ballpit full of Dildos



On this week's early-afternoon recording of Comics Dash, it's too early to drink! Chad, Jean, and Alex find a fun website where you can buy dildos in bulk, Alex talks skiing, and Jean-luc bitches about a Star Wars thing again. After that, it's Batman, Damage, Ice Cream Man, Kill or Be Killed, Angelic, and that Image book about 2018 being a bad year and killing Nazis. I can't remember what it's called and also cannot be bothered to check. Days of Hate? Something like that. Regardless, it's another big heaping pile of DC and Image. Should be some Dark Horse and IDW stuff next week! Follow us @Comicspodcast and read our stuff on! Go buy a dildo! Buy a hundred! YOU HAVE THE POWER!