Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

The Female Health Solution: Tackling All The Hot Topics w Dr. Beth Westie



Get ready for a crash course in everything health related- especially when it comes to women. In checking out Dr. Beth Westie’s most recent episodes on her “The Female Health Solution Podcast’ she covered, Self Sabotage, Hysterectomies, The Power of Physical Touch, Hormones & Weight Loss, Dutch Hormone Testing, Eating For Your Cycle, Side Effects of Medications & Birth Control as well Estrogen & Intermittent Fasting. In fact she is on a mission to guide women to a better understanding of their bodies natural cycles and how it affects their health and weight loss – designed to take into consideration the ever changing hormones…Dr. Bestie is also the author of The Female Fat Solution, The Female Menopause Solution and founded the 12 Week Female Fat Solution Challenge. Her candid and informative social media posts also make her very much one of us as she has had to battle her own health issues as well- the frustration leading her back to her eastern medicine background.