Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

Your Home, Your Environment, Your Health w Zak Green



It can come down to your natural light, air quality, commute, greenspace, air pollution, traffic and the list goes on. Your home, has the ability to reinfoce a lifestyle that makes you sick, stressed, alienated and unhappy.The Global Wellness Institute believes that residential real estate is the next frontier that will be radically transformed by the wellness movement. Our homes, communities and surrounding environment directly affect our daily behaviors and lifestyles, and together these determine up to 80–90 percent of our health outcomes.More than just community, our physical home is criitcally important to our levels of dopamine, serotonin, as well as perceptions of beauty and awe. Our modern living environment has created new health risks - sedentary lifestyles, lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress, social isolation and environmental degradation. Our environments favors driving over biking, sitting over walking, riding in elevators over using the stairs, texting over face-to-face conve