Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

How Eidetic Imagery Is Transforming Lives- Leading world expert Wendy Yellen explains



Whether its joy, trauma or singular significant events, we each carry with us, hundreds – if not thousands of images in our mind which play a critical role in how we see things, our lives and the world.Most people think that you can't actually change ingrained patterns like anxiety, fear, lack of confidence, stress lack of fulfillment, low energy pain, patterns of self-defeat, under-earning, underperforming and so much more....Leading world Eidetics expert, Wendy Yellen knows you can....Wendy joins us from Santa Fey, New Mexico where she left her private and incredibly successful psychotherapy practice to commit full time to this transformative work - she has also been named one of the International Top 3 Transformational experts ...So questions to askHow does one really change? How closely are you really looking at yourself?What aspects of your life are really pulling you down?How do you access the real you, without the history of your experiences in your memory.Wendy is able to actually answer these qu