Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

In Search Of Optimal Health- The Books, Science & Research that keep Doctor Zielonka On A Daily Quest



It was a reunion of sorts for me, with Dr. John Zielonka as my podcast guest this week. For a number of years Dr. Z was a regular contributor to my "Today's The Day" segment on CTV Morning Live. As for his introduction:The core values for Dr John Zielonka in his Ottawa chiropractic natural health center is based on human health potential, integrity, leadership, trust and truth. That’s a lot to ask when it comes to understanding our health, the mistakes we might not realize we are making and the shift in thought to treat the cause. Now an author of 7 books, like Healthy Beliefs, Deadly Choices, Changing Lives, Saving Lives, The science of vitamins as well as his newest book The science of Brain health he continues to work with patients of all ages and with incredibly diverse needs…from Olympians to professional athletes, to car accident victims, rehab patients and newborns. He is referred to as a functional health doctor and also an orthomolecular nutritionist. The end goal is optimal health for all.