Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

Game Changers For Integrative Medicine- How Dr. Nemo Is Making His Mark



Let me introduce you to Dr. Nemanja Baletic aka Dr. Nemo. The founder of Oneness Medicine is a former Ottawa U Gee Gee's basketball player whose holistic approach to medicine has led him to study around the world and at some of the top medical institutions. With Harvard on his resume, Dr. Andrew Weil as his mentor and his name on published medical papers Dr. Nemo is a true game changer. We talk about medicine from a very different perspective which goes far beyond actual medication to the healing powers of meditation, food, love, environment and visualization. Dr. Nemo discusses the tools he used as an athlete to help shape the way he studied and performed in difficult medical situations. In addition to continued athletic aspirations, he also models, and considers himself an amateur filmmaker. Name it, he's done it. I was in awe of the energy and passion he has for integrative medicine and his ability to share it with others in a way that makes them want to change for the better. For future med students this