Specialty Stories | Medical School Headquarters | Premed | Medical Student

7: What is a Hospitalist? An Academic Doc Talks with Us



Session 7 Whether you are a pre-med or medical student, you have answered the calling to becoming a physician. Soon you will have to start deciding what type of medicine you want to practice. This podcast will tell you the specialists from every field, so you can have the information you need to make the most well-informed decision possible when it comes down to choosing your specialty. Today we hear from Shoshana R. Ungerleider, M.D, an internist practicing hospital medicine at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. CPMC is an academic hospital set in a community setting with several residencies, including internal medicine, where she is on the teaching faculty. She has been practicing medicine for three and a half years and finished her residency in 2013.  (2:20)  Discovery Moment Shoshana knew she wanted to be a hospitalist midway through internal medical residency while working “night float” shifts (6pm-8am), admitting patients into the hospital overnight as well as doing cross cover. While