Transformations With Jayne

Episode 20: Interview with Gizem Sakamaki (日本語サマリーあります!)



Gizem Sakamaki is the face behind Foodie Tours Japan. Gizem is Turkish, born in Germany, married to a Japanese. She has been living in Japan since 2015, after falling in love with Japan during her Work and Travel Year in 2013. Gizem is a polyglot with an ongoing interest in learning new languages. She speaks German, Turkish, English and Japanese fluently. Her mixed cultural background led to a broad understanding of intercultural communication, its difficulties and its advantages. Her love for languages and the unknown, made her a passionate traveler and eater. Foodie Tours Japan is the result of her deep love for food, crossed with a strong dedication to hospitality. We talk about: Failing Japanese at university but still being able to “make it” in Japan. How things do fall into place and all the pieces will connect. Growing up bilingual in two cultures The importance of community/network when living away from family Starting a business without a website Gizem’s favourite Quote… FACEBOOK Foodie Tours Ja